
Wall drawing ‘Zeitenwende’ as part of exhibition A Time in Pieces at Between Bridges. The exhibition is part of the Kyiv Perennial – the Berlin edition, 5th Kyiv Biennial, on show until 27 July 2024.

Audio work ‘Motherhood / Birth Control (Limits of the State)’ as part of commissioned new works by IMMA for the major IMMA exhibition Self-Determination: A Global Perspective, on show until 21 April 2024.

Intervention at Rikhardinkatu and Oodi public libraries, ‘The Kiila Feminist Archive’ at Together Again festival, Helsinki 8.-17.9.2023.

The Place for World Peace is a Construction Site, exhibition at the Paja gallery, Kalasataman seripaja by artists Minna Henriksson, Ralf Homann and Manuela Unverdorben, 17.8-2.9.2023.

‘Green Gold’, Collaborative work with Ahmed Al-Nawas at the 2nd Helsinki Biennial including an AR element.

Drawing ‘From Elite Occultists to Anti-revolutionaries and the NSDAP’ including recording of performative lecture in exhibition JUG V NAS / THE SOUTH IN US, Center Sodobnih Umetnosti Celje. Photo by Ana Straže.

‘Nordic Race Science’ in exhibition SPEAKING BACK at the Hamburg Kunsthaus 3.6 – 1.10.2023. Photo by Hayo Heye.

Bourgeois With A Heart out now with Rab-Rab Press. Afterword by Helen Korpak, graphic design by Ott Kagovere.

Exhibition Genesis at the Serlachius Museums Gustaf in Mänttä, Finland from 4th of February to 19th of November 2023. Collaborative exhibition with Ahmed Al-Nawas. Photo by Sampo Linkovaara.

Editorial Tables: Reciprocal Hospitalities at The Showroom London 25 January–18 March 2023. ‘Kiila Feminist Archive’ has grown with more books, documents and prints. Photo by Dan Weill.

Statement of Facts, exhibition by Diego Bruno and Minna Henriksson at Vantaa Art Museum Artsi, 23.9.2022–12.3.2023.

‘Ramallah Art Scene Map’ in exhibition Mapping (Un)Solidarities at The Qattan Foundation, 1.10.2022–28.2.2023.
Drawing ‘From Elite Occultists to Anti-revolutionaries and the NSDAP’ in Alkatraz gallery, Mesto žensk / City of Women 2022. Photo by Nada Žgank.
‘Vastarinta vapaus voitto (Verity Vocation Victory)‘, an intervention in the Cavalry Museum, Lappeenranta as part of the exhibition Sattuneista syistä / For Obvious Reasons in Lappeenranta Art Museum in February – May 2022. A performance lecture on 20th of May 2022.

Installation ‘Fake Star’ in exhibition Sattuneista syistä / For Obvious Reasons in Lappeenranta Art Museum in February – May 2022.
‘Nordic Race Science’ in exhibition Actually, The Dead Are Not Dead: Techniken des Werdens at Württembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart, October 2021 – january 2022.
‘Kiila Feminist Archive’ at The 39th EVA International, Part III – Limerick, Ireland, 2021 / Photograph Jed Niezgoda.
Series of posters, ‘Sparks of History’ in Kontula, Helsinki during Drifts festival 2021 in August 2021. With Sezgin Boynik.
New book out, Fake Star : A book about an Exhibit in a National Pavilion in the Paris World Exposition 1900. Published by Rab-Rab Press

‘Fake Star’ installation at Turku Art Museum Studio until 22. November 2020. Collaborative work with Ahmed Al-Nawas.


‘Nordic Race Science’ in group exhibition Two Men Standing. Part 3 at Out of Sight, Antwerp.


‘Iasi X-Ray’ at Tranzit/ro Iasi until 31st of January 2020.


Photo by Vidha Saumya

Lecture performance ‘Art in the Service of the Nation – Or Why did Birgir Carlstedt abandon abstract art in the early 1930s?’ at The Schoooooool With Many Holes, Amos Rex, October 2019.


‘abstracta’ as spatial installation at the 7th Thessaloniki Biennale of Contemporary Art Stasis / Taking A Stance until 16th of February 2020.


‘Kiila Feminist Archive’ in exhibition ‘Sivuhenkilöitä / Minor Characters’ at MAA-tila, Helsinki 27.9 – 20.10.2019.


Drawing depicting ‘race science’ in the Nordic countries at Bergen Assembly until 10th of November 2019.


Diagram about Nordic ‘race science’ in Exhibit A at Ljubljana City Gallery until 8th of September 2019.


‘Case of Hjalmar Linder (bourgeois with a heart)’ at Objection! in Helsinki City Museum until 29.9.2019.


‘Kiila / The Wedge – Feminist Archive’ in exhibition Dark Energy. Feminist Organizing. Working Collectively at xhibit, Akademie der bildenden Künste, 05/2019.


Drawing about völkisch and elitist roots of Nazism as activisation no. 2 of Otto Neurath’s exhibition at Kunstraum Munich until the end of July 2019.


Online archive about the early history of documenta exhibitions, ‘abstracta’ is online at


‘Repeating Roerich’ is on display in exhibition ‘Shared History’ in Riga Bourse Art Museum from September until the end of November 2018. The exhibition is organised by LCCA and curated by Inga Lace.


‘Solidarity’ in exhibition Nordic Trouble, Konsthall C, from December 2017 to March 2018.


‘Scientific illustrations to keep silent about’, intervention in Ateneum during exhibition of Von Wright Brothers in October 2017 as part of project Freedom Portal by Third Space.


Installation view, Swedish History Museum

‘Unfolding Nordic Race Science’, 2016 as part of exhibition History Unfolds in Swedish History Museum in Stockholm until 19th of November 2017.


‘Antifascist strategies’, poster in Bildpunkt 1/2017.


‘Valkeat’ collaboration with Ahmed Al-Nawas in the exhibition Finnish Landscape – Contemporary Art at the Seurasaari Open-Air Museum in Helsinki until 31st of August 2016.



Drawing ‘The (singular/symptomatic) case of de Appel’ in the exhibition You Must Make Your Death Public by students at de Appel arts centre until 12th of June 2016.



‘Works on Paper’, series of linocuts in Third Space, Helsinki from 1st to 12th of April 2016.


Installation ‘Hidden’ in Uncanny Materials – Founding Moments of Art Education, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, until 16th of May, 2016.


'Communication', 'Counter-constructivist Model' and 'Noise After Babel' at exhibition Apricots from Damascus in Salt Galata, Istanbul, 23rd of December, 2015 - 21st of February, 2016

‘Communication’, ‘Counter-constructivist Model’ and ‘Noise After Babel’ at exhibition Apricots from Damascus in Salt Galata, Istanbul, 23rd of December, 2015 – 21st of February, 2016.


'Festival 1962', radio play together with Araba Evelyn Johnston-Arthur and Ahmed Al-Nawas. Broadcast in Radio Helsinki 14–18.12.2015.

‘Festival 1962’, radio play together with Araba Evelyn Johnston-Arthur and Ahmed Al-Nawas. Festival 1962 is part of the Remembering Silences season curated by Ahmed Al-Nawas for Checkpoint Helsinki. Broadcast in Radio Helsinki 14–18.12.2015.


'Hidden' in Tunnel Vision, 8th Momentum Nordic Biennial of Contemporary Art, Moss Norway from 13th of June to 27th of September 2015.

‘Hidden’ in Tunnel Vision, 8th Momentum Nordic Biennial of Contemporary Art, Moss Norway from 13th of June to 27th of September 2015.



‘Works on Paper’ at Tobacna001, Ljubljana until the 3rd of July 2015.


"Noise After Babel" by Sezgin Boynik and Minna Henriksson at Gallery Oksasenkatu 11, 7. – 29.3.2015. "Noise After Babel" is an exhibition as result of artistic-theoretical research. It examines multi-accentuality of language as the potential grounds for social engagement.

‘Noise After Babel’ by Sezgin Boynik and Minna Henriksson at XX Mänttä Art Festival 13. 6. – 31.8.2015.


Minna Henriksson, Erik Krikortz, Airi Triisberg (Eds.) "Art Workers – Material Conditions and Labour Struggles in Contemporary Art Practice." 232 pp, 168 x 240 mm, edition: 700 in English, graphic design: Summer Studio. ISBN: 978–91–637–7946–6 2015. Order:

Minna Henriksson, Erik Krikortz, Airi Triisberg (Eds.) ‘Art Workers – Material Conditions and Labour Struggles in Contemporary Art Practice.’ 232 pp, 168 x 240 mm, edition: 700 in English, graphic design: Summer Studio. ISBN: 978–91–637–7946–6 2015. Order:  Available online:


"Noise After Babel" by Sezgin Boynik and Minna Henriksson at Gallery Oksasenkatu 11, 7. – 29.3.2015. "Noise After Babel" is an exhibition as result of artistic-theoretical research. It examines multi-accentuality of language as the potential grounds for social engagement.

‘Noise After Babel’ by Sezgin Boynik and Minna Henriksson at Gallery Oksasenkatu 11, 7. – 29.3.2015. “Noise After Babel” is an exhibition as result of artistic-theoretical research. It examines multi-accentuality of language as the potential grounds for social engagement.


Poster series ‘Art of Politics’ as part of Baltic Circle Festival 9-16 November 2014.


Exhibition ‘Politicization of Friendship’ at MSUM Ljubljana until 28th of September 2014.


‘Objekti’ exhibition in public space in Espoo Keskus until 31st of August 2014.